ReportsFilter byReport Category Reporting Year 2024 PRI Assessment (of 2023)U of T EndowmentPDF - 278.66 KB2024 PRI Transparency Report (of 2023)U of T EndowmentPDF - 455.64 KB2023 Integrated Annual ReportAn Enduring CommitmentPDF - 7.47 MB2023 UTAM Carbon Footprint ReportPDF - 341.66 KB2023 UTAM TCFD ReportPDF - 395.79 KB2023 EOS Annual Engagement ReviewPDF - 5.61 MB2023 UTAM Financial StatementsPDF - 1.77 MB2023 PRI Transparency Report (of 2022)U of T EndowmentPDF - 1.52 MB2023 PRI Assessment (of 2022)U of T EndowmentPDF - 1.36 MB2022 Integrated Annual ReportTogetherPDF - 4.33 MB2022 UTAM Carbon Footprint ReportPDF - 629.76 KB2022 UTAM TCFD ReportPDF - 398.79 KB2022 EOS Annual Engagement ReviewPDF - 5.70 MB2022 UTAM Financial StatementsPDF - 263.06 KB2021 Annual ReportInvesting in TomorrowPDF - 7.96 MB2021 Responsible Investing ReportAdvancing SustainabilityPDF - 3.25 MB