UTAM is a signatory, on behalf of the University of Toronto, to the United Nations–supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), a set of commitments adopted by institutional investors around the globe as they integrate ESG considerations into their investment processes.
Since becoming a signatory in 2016, we have participated in formal PRI assessments of our responsible investing activities, for which we have received excellent scores. Each year, we have announced our results and shared our PRI assessment and transparency reports on our website.
PRI reports are usually available in midsummer. This year, the PRI piloted a new reporting framework intended to better capture signatories’ responsible investing activities, but feedback from over 1,700 signatories identified several issues with the framework’s structure and questions, as well as the online system’s user experience. In early August, the PRI explained in an update to signatories: “Issues with the new online reporting tool, which centred on navigation and functionality, contributed to the time taken to report and created problems during the review process for signatories. Unfortunately, this has also affected the quality of a portion of the 2021 dataset as some (but not all) signatories’ submissions contained data gaps and/or errors.”
Due to the delays, the PRI will take a staged approach to releasing the 2020 transparency and assessment reports that would normally be available during Q3 2021. It intends to deliver public versions of the reports to all signatories by June 2022. The PRI is also delaying the opening of the next reporting period until 2023, bypassing 2022 entirely. Read the PRI’s full statement regarding the issues it has experienced.
UTAM is committed to transparency in our responsible investing activities. We are disappointed not to be able to publish our 2021 reports as usual, but we look forward to sharing them in the future.
View all of our previous PRI assessment and transparency reports.
UTAM Releases its First Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) Assessment Reports
August 30, 2018
We are pleased to report that we received four A+ marks and one A in the PRI’s assessment of our implementation of responsible investing. We also scored higher than the median signatory in all…