An Enduring Commitment: UTAM’s 2023 Integrated Annual Report
June 18, 2024
UTAM is pleased to announce the release of our 2023 Integrated Annual Report. This report to stakeholders details the performance of the Endowment and short-term working capital pool investments managed on behalf of the University of Toronto. We…
UTAM Releases its First Carbon Footprint Report
July 12, 2018
As we continue evolving and enhancing our approach to responsible investing, UTAM has committed to disclose the carbon footprints of the investments we manage on behalf of the University of Toronto.…
Alerting governments to investors’ climate change concerns
June 27, 2018
We are pleased to announce that UTAM has signed the “2018 Global Investor Statement to Governments on Climate Change,” released earlier this month by a group of investor alliances and the…
Calling on the Government of Canada to enact legislation on slavery and child labour
June 27, 2018
In an era of complex global supply chains spanning many countries, investors must be alert to the potential use of child labour and modern forms of slavery. This requires constant vigilance and…
Read our report on 2017 investment performance
April 3, 2018
We’re pleased to announce the release of UTAM’s latest Annual Report, which details the 2017 performance of the investments we manage on behalf of the University of Toronto. The report also provides…
UTAM’s new Responsible Investing Report is now available
April 3, 2018
We’re pleased to announce the publication of UTAM’s second Responsible Investing Report. Titled “The Broader Perspective,” the report details how we consider environmental, social and governance…
Extending our responsible engagement efforts globally
December 20, 2017
As a manager of other investment managers, UTAM typically doesn’t engage directly with company boards and management. But as an active owner on behalf of the University of Toronto, we work with…
UTAM’s new Responsible Investing Policy
December 20, 2017
Over the past two years, we’ve worked with the University of Toronto leadership to reinforce and enhance UTAM’s commitment to responsible investing. Our aim is clear: to incorporate environmental,…
UTAM joins the global Climate Action 100+ initiative
December 20, 2017
Investors have a vital role to play in helping to reduce carbon emissions around the globe. That’s why UTAM, on behalf of the University of Toronto, is proud to be a founding participant in Climate…
Report to Business Board – Year to Date 2017 Performance as of June 30, 2017
October 23, 2017
On October 10, 2017, UTAM presented its semi-annual update on investment performance to the University of Toronto’s Business Board. Daren Smith, UTAM’s President and Chief Investment Officer,…
PRI Statement on ESG in Credit Ratings
July 11, 2017
PRI Statement on ESG in Credit Ratings recognising the importance of consideration of ESG factors in the creditworthiness of borrowers and calling upon market participants to consider potential…
Support for Amendments to Bill C-25
July 11, 2017
Letter to the Honourable Navdeep Bains, PC, MP, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development in support of changes to the election of directors and voting requirements as well as…
University of Toronto Asset Management Corp. releases Responsible Investing Report
May 25, 2017
The University of Toronto Asset Management Corporation (UTAM), which oversees close to $9-billion in pension, endowment and other assets for the University of Toronto, has released its Responsible…
Our First Responsible Investing Report
May 18, 2017
Let me congratulate Daren and his team on an impressive report and an excellent start.Meric Gertler (President, University of Toronto) We believe that material Environmental, Social and Governance…
The Year Ahead
May 16, 2017
Investment returns over the past five years have been very strong for Pension and Endowment as these portfolios have benefited from a favourable capital markets environment. However, we believe the…
Climate Change Letter
May 1, 2017
Global Investor Statement On Climate Change UTAM's Involvement Signed the letter Date May 2017 View the Letter
Message from Daren M. Smith, President and Chief Investment Officer
March 16, 2017
I am fortunate to be assuming the leadership of UTAM after Bill Moriarty, whose eight-year term ended in April 2016 with his retirement. Bill was a highly capable leader and under his watch…
CDP Letter Writing Campaign
March 1, 2017
Signatory to CDP letter writing campaign asking companies to complete CDP's climate change questionnaire. In some cases, where requested by CDP, UTAM took the lead in requesting that non-disclosing…
Daren Smith takes charge at University of Toronto Asset Management
September 12, 2016
Daren Smith is the new president and chief investment officer of University of Toronto Asset Management, leading a team that oversees close to $6.5 billion in pension and endowment funds for the…
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