
UTAM signs 2024 Global Investor Statement to Governments on the Climate Crisis

Every year since 2017, UTAM has joined other investors in signing the Global Investor Statement to Governments on the Climate Crisis. The statement calls on governments to raise their climate ambition in line with the goal of limiting global…

Cover of 2019-2020 Responsible Investing Report.

Read UTAM’s 2019–2020 Responsible Investing Report

We’re pleased to announce the release of our fourth annual responsible investing report, titled Guiding Principles. The report includes a detailed account of how we weigh the potential impacts of…

CDP Science-Based Targets Campaign

UTAM Supports CDP’s Science-Based Targets Campaign

UTAM has joined fellow investor signatories of CDP in supporting the organization’s Science-Based Targets Campaign, which aims to accelerate the corporate sector’s adoption of science-based reduction…

Canadian Investment Review: Pension Leadership Awards

UTAM Named a Finalist for Canadian Investment Review’s Sustainable Investing Award

UTAM is honoured to be one of the three finalists for Canadian Investment Review’s first Pension Leadership Awards in the category of Sustainable Investing. The awards celebrate pension plan sponsors…

Canadian Investor Statement on Diversity & Inclusion - Proud Signatory

UTAM Signs the RIA’s Investor Statement on Diversity & Inclusion

UTAM is pleased to be one of the 10 founding signatories of an investor statement on diversity and inclusion developed by the Responsible Investment Association (RIA). Signatories to the statement…

Benefits Canada cover.

Benefits Canada Spotlights UTAM’s Approach to Responsible Investing

Benefits Canada, a magazine for pension, benefits and investment executives, recently interviewed Daren Smith, UTAM’s President and Chief Investment Officer, for an article about his team’s approach…

CCGG logo.

UTAM Endorses CCGG’s Stewardship Principles

UTAM has publicly endorsed the Stewardship Principles of the Canadian Coalition for Good Governance (CCGG), along with more than 20 other institutional investors. The CCGG’s Stewardship Principles…

UTAM’s President & CIO Speaks at a Webinar Hosted by the PRI and IEN

Daren Smith, UTAM’s President & Chief Investment Officer, recently shared our approach to addressing climate change on a webinar presented by the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and…

UTAM Receives Excellent PRI Scores

We are pleased to report that UTAM has received high scores – our strongest yet – in the PRI’s annual assessment of our responsible investing approach. We received A+ marks in all six categories that…

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UTAM Shortlisted for ICGN Global Stewardship Award

UTAM is pleased to announce that we have been shortlisted for an International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) 2020 Global Stewardship Award. These awards recognize individuals and organizations…

ILPA logo

UTAM’s ESG Activities Included in Best Practices Compilation

We are very pleased to announce that the Institutional Limited Partners Association (ILPA) has included UTAM in its ESG Roadmap and Resources (“the Roadmap”). The Roadmap includes a compilation of…

Wind turbines

U of T Signs Landmark Charter on Investing to Address Climate Change

UTAM commends the University of Toronto for spearheading and signing the “Investing to Address Climate Change” charter, which calls on Canadian universities to incorporate ESG factors into their…

Cover of UTAM Annual Report 2019

Read UTAM’s 2019 Annual Report

We’re pleased to announce the release of our 2019 Annual Report, titled The 20-Year Advantage. It includes details about the performance of the Pension, Endowment and short-term working capital…

UTAM 2019 Carbon Footprint Report

UTAM releases its 2019 Carbon Footprint Report and announces an ambitious carbon reduction goal along with an endorsement of the TCFD recommendations

We’re pleased to announce the release of our 2019 Carbon Footprint Report, titled “Towards a Greener Future.” For the second consecutive year, we’ve calculated the carbon footprint of the Pension and…

ICGN logo

UTAM Joins the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN)

UTAM is pleased to announce that we have joined the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN), a leading authority on global standards of corporate governance and investor stewardship. ICGN…

Photo of a passenger jet flying above the clouds.

UTAM Signs Investor Statement on Climate Change and the Aviation Sector

UTAM has joined more than 120 institutional investors (representing US$6.0 trillion in assets under management) in calling on the aviation sector to better address climate risks and opportunities.…

CIA logo

UTAM Supports Climate Statement from Canadian Institute of Actuaries

UTAM wholeheartedly lends its support to “Time to Act: Facing the Risks of a Changing Climate,” a public statement released by the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA) on September 24. The statement…

Photo of forest fire

UTAM Signs Investor Statement on Deforestation and Forest Fires in the Amazon

UTAM has signed an investor statement expressing deep concern about the escalating crisis of deforestation and fires in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil and Bolivia. In total, 230 investors –…

Wind turbines

UTAM Signs Global Investor Statement to Governments on Climate Change

UTAM has joined hundreds of institutional investors to reiterate our full support for the Paris Agreement on climate change and strongly urge all governments to implement the actions needed to…

UTAM Once Again Receives High Scores from the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)

We are pleased to report that we received excellent scores in the PRI’s latest assessment of our responsible investing approach: five A+ marks and one A. And, for the second year in a row, we scored…

UTAM’s President & CIO Profiled in the Pension Investment Association of Canada’s Newsletter

UTAM is pleased to announce that our President & CIO, Daren Smith, has been profiled in the Summer 2019 newsletter of the Pension Investment Association of Canada (PIAC). The article is one of an…

CCGG logo.

UTAM’s President joins the Board of the Canadian Coalition for Good Governance

UTAM is proud to announce that our President, Daren Smith, has been appointed to the Board of the Canadian Coalition for Good Governance (CCGG) and will also serve on the organization’s Member…

Cover of Sustainable Finance Report

Canada’s Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance releases final report

On June 13th, Canada’s Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance released its final report, Mobilizing Finance for Sustainable Growth, at an event held at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of…

UTAM 2018 Annual Report

Read UTAM’s 2018 Annual Report

We’re pleased to announce the release of our 2018 Annual Report, which includes the performance of the Pension, Endowment and short-term working capital investments that we manage on behalf of the…

UTAM 2018 Responsible Investing Report

Read UTAM’s New Responsible Investing Report

We’re pleased to announce the release of UTAM’s third annual Responsible Investing Report. Titled “A Closer Look,” the report explains how we consider environmental, social and governance (ESG)…

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UTAM joins other investors in outlining expectations for a sustainable palm oil industry

UTAM, on behalf of the University of Toronto’s Pension Plan and Endowment, has joined 57 other investment organizations – representing approximately US $7.9 trillion in assets under management – in…

RIA logo

UTAM Supports the RIA’s Board Diversity Policy and Congratulates the University of Toronto on Being Recognized as one of Canada’s Best Diversity Employers

As a member of the RIA, the Canadian Coalition for Good Governance, and the Canadian Investor Chapter of the 30% Club, as well as through the ISS Sustainability Guidelines for our proxy voting, UTAM…

30% Club Logo

UTAM joins the 30% Club Canadian Investor Group

We are very pleased to announce that UTAM’s President, Daren Smith, is now a member of the 30% Club Canada, joining a group of like-minded leaders who believe that gender balance on boards and in…

UTAM Updates Its Responsible Investing Policy

Resulting from a regular review of all our policies, we have made minor revisions to our Responsible Investing Policy to include our definitions of ESG factors and to provide further guidance on our…

Report to Business Board – Year to Date 2018 Performance as of June 30, 2018

On October 9, 2018, UTAM presented its semi-annual update on investment performance to the University of Toronto’s Business Board.  Daren Smith, UTAM’s President and Chief Investment Officer,…

UTAM Releases its First Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) Assessment Reports

We are pleased to report that we received four A+ marks and one A in the PRI’s assessment of our implementation of responsible investing. We also scored higher than the median signatory in all…

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