UTAM Responsible Investing Policy

We believe that ESG factors can have a material impact on the long-term risk and return of a given investment and that incorporating relevant and material ESG issues into our decision-making processes is consistent with our fiduciary duty.

It is, therefore, our policy to take ESG matters into account in our investment decisions together with other relevant and material considerations (i.e., we take an integration approach). Moreover, we believe that, by being active owners through our voting and engagement policies and practices, we can realize greater long-term value for the beneficiaries of the investments that we manage.

Our comprehensive Responsible Investing Policy is designed to guide all of UTAM’s decision-making in this area, from the management of our internal processes and systems, to our conduct of proxy voting and ESG-related engagements.

Our policy reflects the widely endorsed PRI framework, whose six core principles can be summarized as follows:

  • Integrate ESG factors into all of our investment decision-making.
  • Incorporate ESG issues in our policies and practices as an active owner.
  • Encourage ESG-related disclosure by all entities in which we invest.
  • Promote the implementation of PRI across the investment industry.
  • Work with other investors to be more effective in applying the principles.
  • Report on our activities and progress toward PRI-based responsible investing.

Our policy is applicable to all assets under our management.

Responsible Investing Policy

Our comprehensive Responsible Investing Policy is designed to guide all of UTAM’s decision-making in this area and covers topics including our internal processes, proxy voting, engagement, advocacy and transparency. The policy applies to all of our assets under management.

View UTAM’s Responsible Investing Policy